Annual Pledge

Regular Giving towards your Annual Pledge to SOV. While we are not gathering in person, you are encouraged to give online. 

Our website has details for setting up an account.

“What is a pledge?”  A pledge is a commitment of giving.  Generally, people either promise a regular giving amount (for example, $100 per month) or a total annual amount they plan to give.  This is not a binding contract or a requirement of membership, it is just a statement of your intention to give to the church.  You can also pledge your time and talents as well as your finances.  A good example of this would be offering to volunteer once a week to teach Sunday school or help in the office

“Why should I pledge?”  Many people say that they will give but don’t want to write a specific amount on a pledge card for various reasons.  We welcome all gifts, whether or not they are pledges, but pledging really helps the Church Council to plan for the coming year.  Knowing what people intend to give makes budgeting and financial planning much more accurate and is very helpful!

You can use for ongoing or one-time donations. You can also mail checks to the church and they will be processed.

As of the end of March we are a bit behind on estimated giving through your pledges.

Thank you!