Resources for anti-racism work

Why another list?

There are plenty of lists and links out there on the internet about racism. In fact, the abundance of resources can be a bit overwhelming. So this small list is certainly non exhaustive. It is meant specifically as a starting place for the community of Shepherd of the Valley. We have done differing amounts of learning, reflecting, processing and working on anti-racism. We are in different places. These are a few things to start with to establish a common language, grounded in our particular faith tradition. Resources shared here are by no means perfect nor are they ends unto themselves. These are provided to begin your own work so that we might come together to discern God’s invitation to us as we strive for justice and peace in all the earth.

Justice in June As a guide for doing your own learning, this document ( is a structured way to spend 10, 25 or 45 minutes a day self-educating about many aspects of racism. While it’s called Justice in June, you may of course use it at any time. Written by a south asian american in consultation with her african american friend, this is a collection of things to read, listen to and watch – alone or with others – about many different dynamics that all often fall under the umbrella of racism.

Implicit Bias Tool The following tool below can be insightful for coming to terms with our own implicit biases towards people in many different groups:
The above essay points out a contemplative way to actively respond. Written by African American Law Professor and teacher of mindfulness practice Rhonda V. Magee, this essay invites us into a more sustainable way to treat ourselves and one another that must parallel the higher profile direct actions that arise in reaction to incidents of race-based violence.

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