Building Ministry update

We had mulch delivered to the church building on Friday 5/22. Thanks to Cliff Bailey for arranging this and to the team who helped weed, lay some stones around the perimeter, and spread the mulch  – Cliff, Andy George, Richard Vila, Wayne Twombly and the Kamalaraj family! It looks great! If you were not able to participate in this beautification effort, you have another opportunity! Saturday June 6th is the tentative next date when we will be working outside again, so contact Cliff if you can help. Thanks too to Richard for mowing the lawn on Saturday as well. Even if we cannot hold worship in the building, at least it looks good 😊 

Denise and Wayne met with a roofer this week. Quotes are on the way! Thank you both!

Wayne has also been working with ACS to install high speed internet at the church. Comcast is now installed instead of DSL. Pastor will have a private internet and there will also be a public internet “BellTowerPublic” in the office, chapel, fellowship hall, the sanctuary and the parlor. SOVPublic is the password.

Here is a list of items that were accomplished by the Building Ministry Team and all the helpers at the end of last year/early this year. 

·  3 of 4 faucets replaced in Fellowship hall bathrooms

·  Furnace gas leak repaired

·  Royal Stoneworks snow plowing/shoveling/sanding going well

·  Sewer pipe replaced in furnace room

·  Red door hydraulic hinge replaced

·  Building inspection complete, repair items identified, and action initiated

·  Water supply above HTP water heater and heat pipes in pre-school capped

·  Fixed supply line leak in fellowship hall right bathroom sink 

·  Affixed loose toilet to floor

We will be developing a prioritized list of “to do” items that we will be working on over the summer. If you are interested in helping improve OUR church home, please let us know!

Blessings from the Building Ministry Team – Christine Anderson, Cliff Bailey, Tom Bielecki, Denise Boyd, John Hansen, Kathy Johnson and Wayne Twombly