Movies of Inspiration

During this trying times where we are faced with social distancing many people are stuck in doors and are spending more time with their families and watching movies together to find inspiration and entertainment.

Last night we watched two movies that we found highly inspirational and entertaining.

The first movie was Son of Godwhich is the life story of Jesus told from his humble birth, about his teachings, ,and in the end of his ultimate resurrection. We have the DVD.   The song at the end Mary did you know is one of my favorite songs.  Pentatonix  does an incredible version of that song and you can find the video clip on Youtube. The lyrics are also available.

The second movie that we watched was Faith, Hope, and  Love on Netflix.  Our kitchen wallpaper uses that theme which is the foundation for our marriage.  Recently divorcee Faith enters a dance contest to save her dance studio, where she meets Jimmy Hope and rediscovers her faith and dreams. It’s a very uplifting movie of faith.  You can find the video clip on the IMDB database or a trailer on Youtube.

I invite your feedback on what you think of these movies and if you found them inspirational.

I have a list of Christion movies that I can post if people are interested and we can  share how the stories affect our lives.